3rd Central European
Symposium on Echocardiology
Slovak Working Group on Noninvasive cardiology
Slovak Society of Cardiology
Working Group on Echocardiography ESC
Duke University Medical School
Deadline for
submission of abstracts:
May 30, 1996
Date and
place of Symposium: Sliae
Sanatorium, Sliae, Slovakia, September 25-27, 1996
before and after the Symposium: Gabriel Kamenský, MD,
Department of Noninvasive Cardiovascular Diagnostics,
Ru?inov General Hospital, Ru?inovská 6, 826 06
Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel/fax. 427/ 236 257.
invited faculty:
Boudoulas (USA),
Bruch (Germany), Buck (Germany), Chaloupka (Czech
republic), Chaloupka (Czech republic), de Divitiis
(Italy), Distante (Italy), Erbel (Germany), Gibson (UK),
Hradec (Czech republic), Iliceto (Italy), Keren (Israel),
Kisslo J and Kisslo K (USA), Kronik (Austria),
Krzeminska-Pakula (Poland), Lengyel (Hungary), Maurer
(Austria), Niederle (Czech republic), Paczek (Poland),
Toman (Czech republic), Veyrat (France), Visser (The
Netheralnds), Widimský (Czech republic)
Presentations: state-of-the-art lectures, case
presentations, controversies, live demonstration, oral
and poster presentation
Topics: echocardiography: transthoracic
and transesophageal, stress, contrast, interventional,
intravascular, intracardiac, 3-D reconstruction, pittfals
and limitations, perspectives
Aerosols in
Diagnostics, Therapy and Prophylaxis. Cardio-respiratory
relations. The High Tatras, May 15-17, 1996.
Dušan Salát, MD,
PhD, Sanatorium Helios, 059 85 Štrbské Pleso. Tel.
42-92131, 42-92241, Fax: 42-969-3140. Deadline for
abstract: January 15, 1996.
II. Zjazd Slovenskej kardiologickej
spoloenosti, 23.-25. septembra 1996, Sliae, Slovenská
Doc. MUDr.
Slavomíra Filipová, CSc., IV. Interná klinika
LFUK, NsP Staré Mesto, Bezrueova 5, 815 26
Bratislava, Tel.: 07/36 14 32, Fax: 07/ 32 57 54
3rd Central European Symposium on
Echocardiology, September 25-27, 1996, Sliae, Slovakia
Gabriel Kamenský,
MD, Department of Noninvasive Cardiovascular
Diagnostics, Ru?inov General Hospital, Ru?inovská 6,
826 06 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel/fax. 427/ 236 257.
Deadline for abstract: May 30, 1996
XXIV International Congress on
Electrocardiology, XXXVIII Symposium on
Vectorcardiography, June 24-28, 1997, Bratislava,
Ljuba Bachárová,
MD, PhD, National Centre for Health Promotion,
Limbova 11, 833 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Tel. 427 374
442, Fax: 427 371 400
6th International
Symposium on Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy, February
20-26, Sydney, Australia
Dr. W. J. Louis,
Dept. Clinical Pharmacology, Austin Hospital,
Heidelberg, Vic. 3084, Australia
8th International Postgraduate Course
on Advances in Cardiac Ultrasound, March 11-15, 1996
Davos, Switzerland
Mrs. D de Bruyn,
P.O.B. 3506, 3003 AM Rotterdam, The Netherlands
7th Mediterranean Congress of
Angiology and Vascular Surgery, March 23 - 26, 1996,
Limassol, Cyprus
Secretariat and
Congress Organisers Options Eurocongress, 28a Skipi
Soterias, P.O. Box 4723, Limassol, Cyprus (Deadline
August 31, 1995)
45th Annual Meeting of American
College of Cardiology, March 24 - 28, 1996, Orlando, FL,
American College of
Cardiology, 9111 Georgetown Road, Bethesda, MD,
20814-9845, USA
2nd International Symposium on the
Functional Abnormalities of the Aorta. Athens, Greece,
April 21-22, 1996.
Cardiology Dept., Hippokration Hospital, Athens
University, 114, Vas. Sofias Ave., GR 115 28 Athens,
Greece. Tel. (+1) 7703052, Fax. (+1) 7703052-7784590
7th International Congress on
Ambulatory Monitoring May 8-10, 1996, Tokyo, Japan
PMSI Japan Ltd.,
Royal Bldg., 12-8 Nibancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102,
VII. International Symposium on
Ischemic Heart Disease-Progress and Controversies. May
15-17, 1996, Toledo, Spain.
Secretariat: Avda.
Menéndez Pelayo, 67, Local 18,Tel. (91) 573 35 59,
Fax: (91) 409 69 80, 28009 Madrid
Meeting of Working Group of
Epidemiology and Prevention of the European Society of
Cardiology, May 22-25, 1996, Pilsen, Czech republic
Prof. J. Šimon, 2nd
Dept. of Internal Medicine, Charles University,
Medical Faculty Pilsen, E. Beneše 13, 305 99 PILSEN,
Czech republic
2nd World Congress of Echocardiography
and Vascular Ultrasound, May 24-26, 1996, Beijing, China
Navin C. Nanda, MD,
University of Alabama at Birmingham, Heart Station
SW/102, Birmingham, AL 35233. Phone 205/934 8256,
fax: 205 934 6747
10th International Congress.
Cardiostim 96. Nice Acxropolis French Riviera, June
19-22, 1996
Cardiostim 96. Dr. J. Mugica-Cerntre Chirurgical Val
d’Or 16, rue Pasteur, 92211 St Cloud Cedex, France.
Tel: 33-1-41120710, Fax: 33-1-46020509
16th Scientific Meeting of the
International Society of Hypertension, June 23 - 28,
1996, Glasgow, UK
Professor J. L.
Ried, ISH 1996-Glassgov, Dept. of Medicine and
Therapeutics, Gardiner Institute, Western Infirmary,
Glasgow, G11 6NT, U.K. Tel. 041 339 8822, ext 4886
International Symposium on
Cardiovascular Imaging, June 24-26, 1996, Leiden, The
Conference chair:
Johan HC Reiber, PhD, FACC. Deadline for abstracts:
December 15, 1995. Information: Heymeriks and Van
Ginneken, POB 4334, NL 3006 AH Rotterdam, The
Netherlands, Fax: 31-10-4147988
XVIII Congress of the European Society
of Cardiology (ESC), August 25 - 29, 1996, Birmingham,
ECOR, B.P. 179, F -
06903, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France (Fax. 92-947
Growth Factors and Cardiac
Hypertrophy, September 21-23, 1996, Leipzig, Germany
Dr. HG Zimmer, Dept.
of Physiology, University of Munich, Pettenkoferstr.
14th European Conference of The
International Socierty of Non-Invasive Cardiology.
September 18-21, 1996, Cambridge, England
Information: Bigley
Conference Organising Service Ltd, SAouth Bank
Technopark, 90 London Road, London SE1 6LN. Tel. +44
(0) 171 717 1537, Fax: + 44 (0) 171 717 1574
Abstract deadline: May 15, 1996
3rd Central European Symposium on
Echocardiology, September 25-27, 1996, Sliae, Slovakia
Gabriel Kamenský,
MD, Department of Noninvasive Cardiovascular
Diagnostics, Ru?inov General Hospital, Ru?inovská 6,
826 06 Bratislava, Slovakia. Tel/fax. 427/ 236 257.
Deadline for abstract: May 30, 1996
10th Annual Meeting The European
Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, Prague, Czech
Conference Assoc. and Services International Ltd, 4
Cavendish Square, London WIM OBX, UK. Tel. +44 (0)
171 499 0900. Fax: +44 (0) 171 629 3233
8th Essen-Mayo-Mainz Symposium: New
trends in Cardiovascular Ultrasound and Interventional
Cardiology, October 25-27, 1996, Essen, Germany
Congress Organizer
Comed GmbH, Dr. Frank Mucke, Goethestr. 8, D-79100
Freiburg i. Br., FRG
69th Scientific Session of the
American Heart Association, November 11 - 14, 1996, New
Orleans, Luisiana, USA
American Heart
Association, Scientific and Corporate Meetings, 7272
Greenville Ave, Dallas, TX 75231 4596. Tel. 214 706
1511, fax 214 373 3406
8th European Meeting
on Hypertension, June 13-16, 1997, Milan, Italy
Prof. A. Zanchetti,
Centro di Fisilogia Clinica e Ipertensione, Ospedale
Maggiore - Universita di Milano, Via F. Sforza 35, 20
122 Milano, Italy
XXIV International Congress on
Electrocardiology, XXXVIII Symposium on
Vectorcardiography, June 24-28, 1997, Bratislava,
Ljuba Bachárová,
MD, PhD, National Centre for Health Promotion,
Limbova 11, 833 08 Bratislava, Slovakia, Tel. 427 374
442, Fax: 427 371 400
4th International Conference on
Preventive Cardiology, June 29-July 3, 1997, Montréal,
1224 Stanley Street,
Suite 211, Montréal, Québec, Canada H3B 2S7. Tel.
514-878 2530, Fax: 514 878 2532
XIX Congress of the European Society
of Cardiology (ESC), August 24 - 28, 1997, Stockholm,
ECOR, B.P. 179, F -
06903, Sophia Antipolis Cedex, France (Fax. 92-947